It is of absolutely no surprise that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is a genius. His IQ is reportedly 160, and if anything, we’re surprised it isn’t any higher, considering he’s the man who made computers accessible to every household. Did we mention that he’s also worth more than $100 billion dollars? Nobody can acquire that kind of money without having some semblance of a galactic brain—well, unless it was inherited, which in Gates’ case it wasn’t. To his credit, he is currently using his big brain to pursue various philanthropic efforts, which is, by our lights, what all big brains should be used for.


Multi-awarded actress, Claire Danes, who in 2012 was named one of the most influential people in the world by Time Magazine, is another celebrity who’s been blessed with both good looks and brains. Her IQ is reportedly 140, and we seem to be unsurprised by this, presumably having been conditioned to see Danes as ultra-intelligent. Most of her roles, after all, are that of intelligent people. Danes even played a super-smart person in the highly successful television series Homeland. In fact when has she ever played the ditzy blonde? Perhaps never. In any case, life must be hard for those like Danes, who are so used to flooring people with both their good looks and intelligence wherever they go.


Singer, songwriter, rapper and actress, Kesha Sebert—more popularly known as just Kesha—was propelled to success after the release of her album Animal and Rainbow, which rose to the charts in short notice. Apparently, however, she’s not just a talented musician, but is also a genius with an IQ of 140. I mean, consider for a moment that only 1% of IQ test takers are able to score this high and you’ll realize just how much credit is owed to Kesha for her intelligence. Although she calls herself a songwriter, we can fully imagine another alternate universe where Kesha is actually a rocket scientist.


Actor, director and filmmaker, Quentin Tarantino, who is known for having created such iconic films as Pulp Fiction and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, is one of the most unique and eccentric filmmakers in Hollywood. Indeed, his films aren’t just the box office hits that they are, they’re also the type that make you think, use your brain, and change your perspective about the issues on which they are focused. Because of the degree of mastery this man has for filmmaking, it wasn’t a surprise for us to learn that Tarantino is a genius with an IQ of 160.


Actor, producer, director and novelist, David Duchovny, who many will know as the guy who plays Fox Mulder in the highly successful science fiction series The X-Files, reportedly graduated from Princeton University with a degree in English Literature. If that doesn’t convince you the man is a super intelligence, then consider for a moment the fact that his IQ is 147, which makes him 15 points over qualified for Mensa, the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. It looks like Duchovny was the perfect guy to play Mulder, since both of them are inimitable geniuses.


Multi-awarded actress and filmmaker, Natalie Portman, who began her career in Hollywood at the age of 12, and who has become a prolific actress ever since, is reportedly another genius with an IQ of 140. It is no wonder she got accepted into Harvard where she earned her degree in psychology. Indeed, Portman once famously said for an interview that she’d “rather be smart than a movie star,” which is all the evidence one needs to be convinced of Portman’s principled priorities. In any case, she’s another celebrity who won life’s lottery by being born with both beauty and brains.


Singer, songwriter and actress, Madonna, who’s been referred to as the Queen of Pop on account of both her longevity in the music industry and her innumerable hits, is reportedly a genius with an IQ of 140. The article we read about this says that it was self-reported, so we don’t know how to feel about it. Indeed, if we were to “self-report” our own IQ scores, then we’d add a few points to it, too. But, of course, it could be true—indeed, it’s not entirely unbelievable given that Madonna does to a huge degree come across as intelligent and self-aware during her interviews.


Actress, comedian, writer and producer, Lisa Kudrow, who everyone knows as the actress who played Phoebe Buffay in the highly successful television sitcom Friends, is reported to have an IQ of 160. Which is nothing short of shocking, since the character she’s most known for (Phoebe Buffay) is supposed to be a complete dunce! But, much to her credit, it turns out she’s probably the smartest cast member on Friends, to everyone’s shock and surprise. Indeed, if Kudrow didn’t pursue a career in comedy, she could have been just as successful as a brain surgeon, a rocket scientist or a theoretical physicist.


Meryl Streep, who is often ranked among the best actors and actresses in the history of Hollywood, reportedly has an IQ of 142. Amazingly, her IQ score is almost just as much as the awards she’s won throughout her career. And her IQ score even over-qualifies her for Mensa, which is not too surprising given that she’s always seemed like the sharpest knife in the drawer, in film or during her many interviews. In any case, if the ability to win acting awards is evidence for intelligence, then Streep, to her credit, has already proven beyond reasonable doubt that she’s a genius.


Comedian, actor and producer, Ken Jeong, who many will be surprised is actually also a licensed physician, has been reported to have an IQ of 130 or higher. We absolutely didn’t know he was that intelligent. But if he is, like he’s been reported to be, a licensed physician, then he’s clearly acquired some smarts from somewhere. Getting a degree in medicine, after all, is the height of difficulty. It’s a curious thing, however, that Jeong decidedly pursued a career in comedy despite having expended all that effort to become a doctor. Maybe he really—really—liked making people laugh.
